When thinking about alien abductions most people envision glowing orbs in nighttime skies or small gremlin-like creatures stealing humans during dark hours. Video games deliver the most unusual and humorous experiences among extraterrestrial encounters. Travelers during thrilling quests sometimes face alien capture while players alternate between playing as extraterrestrial forces in various games. Video games contain extensive content showing human interaction with extraterrestrial entities either through abduction or extraterrestrial gameplay.
This post covers various phenomenal (and unusual) alien kidnappings in video games where players become alien spacecraft prisoners or experience games from an extraterrestrial perspective. Gaming content ranges from science fiction and conspiracy theories to interstellar entertainment so people from all interests will find their fit.
1. The Sims 4: Out of This World (Literally)
We begin with something relatable called The Sims 4. The Games series includes alien abductions as a standard element for players who know the series. The night activities or unfortunate occurrences force Sims to become UFO abduction victims who might experience mysterious changes upon their return. This unusual feature within The Sims 4 provides quirky entertainment to everyday normal Sim existence. In The Sims 4, alien abductions serve as regular Sims experiences alongside interstellar baby births. The game allows your Sim to experience alien abduction as just another typical life event.
Here is everything you need to know about Sims 4 alien abductions: Sims 4 alien abductions: secrets, cheats, and gameplay features
2. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – UFOs and Strange Lights
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas features space alien kidnappings as gaming events which occur beyond the main storyline. UFO sightings and mysterious aerial illuminations in the game create a debate among players over alien origins or whether these events stem from the game's unpredictable free-roaming mode. Within the San Andreas game universe players can participate in an alien encounter mission which delivers a twisted interpretation of conspiracy theories.
3. Destroy All Humans! – Play as the Alien
In Destroy All Humans!, you assume the role of Crypto an extraterrestrial who travels to Earth to create chaos. Instead of finding yourself in a situation where you will be picked up, you’ll become the one who will do the picking! Your UFO's tractor beam power enables you to pull humans and animals as well animals' vehicles into your space vessel for your alien prank adventures. The game plays with abduction concepts by allowing you to experience human capturing and analysis while maintaining an over-the-top comedic tone.
4. Fallout 3 – Mothership Zeta DLC
The Fallout 3 DLC "Mothership Zeta" delivers an entirely new dimension of interaction between players with extraterrestrial content. As the player you will experience an alien abduction by a UFO and find yourself on an extraterrestrial mother ship with no choice but to fight alien creatures for escape. The game mixes the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 3 with alien technology and experimental elements in a thrilling storyline that stands out as one of the greatest alien-based DLCs in gaming.
5. The Outer Worlds – Space Bezoplekhoi in the Frontier
Even though The Outer Worlds does include alien encounters it operates within an expansive universe where bizarre alien species and supernatural events abound. Your exploration of fresh territories will reveal planet inhabitants who display enigmatic objectives. The Outer Worlds delivers a peculiar and satirical take on alien interactions that stands out as an interesting approach to extraterrestrial content in video games.
6. Silent Hill: Homecoming – Alien Theories, Creepy Abductions
Silent Hill: Homecoming does not feature standard alien kidnappings yet it presents paranormal occurrences which make anyone question whether extraterrestrial entities exist. During gameplay, players experience supernatural occurrences that could easily pass for alien activity leading to psychological horror sequences alongside missing person cases.
7. No Man’s Sky – Exploring the Unknown
Although No Man's Sky does not feature traditional alien abductions it delivers an equivalent experience by letting players explore space to discover extraterrestrial life on various space objectives. The main attraction of the game exists alongside exploration because alien presence serves as a core element of the game's storytelling. No Man's Sky presents an infinite space frontier where you can perform trading missions with alien species and explore their operations while having an unforgettable encounter that resembles an extraterrestrial abduction.
8. Mass Effect
The Collectors steal entire human colonies for the Reapers in the Mass Effect series to conduct their evil genetic harvest plan. Mass Effect 2's story heavily relies on these frightening kidnappings. The Protheans and other species have also been targeted by the Reapers for their cycle of abduction and destruction because this is the Reapers' strategy for establishing order across the galaxy. Mass Effect rarely features pleasant abductions because they serve as a dark high-risk plot point in the game.
To find out more about some of the alien species in mass effect series check out
Valentine’s Day Mass Effect Style: 5 Intergalactic Beings You Should Consider For An Alien Romance
Alien Abductions in Mass Effect: How to Get ‘Kidnapped’ (With a Twist)
Mass Effect Blue Aliens: The Coolest Cosmic Crew You Never Knew You Needed!
9. Ability Wars
In Ability Wars, the UFO ability enables players to abduct players and to fly around the battlefield using its vehicle-like ability, while it also allows players to hover and shoot beams. This out of this world power up provides players with an advantage in mobility and offense and is very popular among the players of the game. Controlling the UFO can greatly enhance one’s gameplay and provide a certain edge over opponents.
Explore our blog on how to achieve this ability.
How to Get a UFO in Ability Wars (and Take Over the Skies!)
Final Thoughts: Who’s Doing the Abducting?
The truth remains that alien interactions during gameplay create some of the strangest yet most thrilling experiences within gaming. Video games such as The Sims 4 with its quirky alien content and Destroy All Humans! with its over-the-top sci-fi action allow players to experience the roles of both abduction victims and perpetrators in the most absurd extraterrestrial theories within gaming.
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Get The Original Alien Abduction Lamp here.
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