Mass Effect is not only a video game series but an interstellar journey that depicts numerous little-known, fascinating, and at times frightening alien cultures. If you found yourself in this universe how would you choose your ally? Would you prefer the elegant Asari or the nearly indestructible Krogan? In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 alien species you may want to have as your companion, with the intention of developing a relationship with them (or a partnership with them if that is what the future holds).
And, of course, if you’re into aliens, you can check out The Original Alien Abduction Lamp for a little extraterrestrial vibe right at home!
1. The Asari: Wisdom, Elegance and Biotic Ability!
It is easy to see that Asari are long-lived people who possess a lot of biotic energy. Look at this: They are thousands of years old and they still look like supermodels while they are trying to fix the biggest problems in the galaxy. Do you want to find someone who can reveal the hidden secrets of the universe? Or maybe you’re in search of a person who is as calm as he is strong? Then you should try the Asari! They are not only proficient at telepathy (which is a great party game by the way), but they also know how to take a sword to the enemy when the situation calls for it.
Have we told you about Liara T’Soni? She is the Asari you don’t want to find on the other side of the universe if you are into solving puzzles and preparing for the worst. Befriend the Asari if you’re ready for a smooth, diplomatic ride through the stars. Oh, and if you want to bring a touch of their elegance to your home, the Alien Abduction Lamp will set the perfect intergalactic mood.
2. The Krogan: They will be your friend if they have your back and they will stop at nothing to prove it!
If you are in the market for a friend who will have your back no matter what and is not afraid of a fight or two then you should look no further than the Krogan. These are not the most attractive or the most graceful beings in the galaxy, but they are undoubtedly among the strongest and most steadfast. The Krogan has fought the wars, have been through the wars and even have been through some of the stupidest events in the galaxy. If you are in the market for a partner that does not tolerate stupidity from anyone then you should look for a Krogan to pair up with.
Who is a better representation of the Krogan than the legendary Wrex? He is the ideal warrior and, surprisingly, a loyal friend with a heart of gold once you get to know him. Choose to befriend a Krogan if you need that one person in your corner who will assist you in annihilating any enemy you come across. Just make sure to let them have the last word; they are not the type of people who will back down without a fight. However, for our purposes, it is enough to state that a Krogan always gets the last word. It is only polite to let them have it. They do not like it when humans do not follow these simple rules as they have said it to our face more than once. However, it is a norm for them to speak in the third person as if they are more than one person. It is a tradition that has been passed down from one generation to the next. It is not only a way of speaking but also a way of showing respect and in some cases, power.
3. The Quarians: Tech fans with a heart of gold!
Quarians may not have the same level of fear factor as the Krogan or the same biotic capabilities as the Asari, but these nomadic tech wizards are more complex than they seem. The Quarians are a nomadic people with their ugly (but not unattractive) environmental suits and love of fixing and building things. They may have a sad PAST but their RECOVERY is magnificent.
If you love supporting underdogs or if you require someone who can design you the most astonishing devices then Tali’Zorah is the Quarian you should know. Seriously, who else can make a junkyard of scrap metal produce a game changing technology? Be good to a Quarian if all you want to do is tinker with tech, have some heart to heart talks and be that one person who is about to alter the galaxy (no matter how small a part of it).
4. The Turians: The Best Strategic Planners in the Galaxy
Turians always plan for the future and act with the accuracy of a general on the field. They do not have a tendency of being very emotional but this is not to say that they do not have a deep sense of loyalty and humor that will surprise you. Need a tactical genius who is always one step ahead of the game? You should look for a Turian. Garrus Vakarian is one of the best examples of a professional soldier with a sense of humor. He will assist you in coming up with your next move and also offer some relief in the form of funny one-liners. Be friends with a Turian for the best combination of a strong companion and a comedian.
5. The Salarians: Graco, Intelligent and a Pinch of Sarcasm!
Salarians may have a short lifespan but they are quick, intelligent and just full of wit. These individuals are famous for their fast actions and decision-making which makes them great partners off the battle field or in the heat of the moment. Need a friend who can fix any issue in an instant? The Salarians are going to come in useful. Take Mordin Solus, for example. He is a Salarian scientist with a sword-sharp mind and a quite person to go with it. He may not always show it but in his heart of hearts Mordin is a believer in the greater good and will go the extra mile to make the ultimate sacrifice. Choose to befriend a Salarian if you are in the market for someone who can think fast, act fast and at the right time sing an opera.
Which of these fascinating species do you think you might choose to be your intergalactic BFF? There’s a perfect Mass Effect species for you, whether you are looking for wisdom, strength or someone who will help you build an army of robots. But if you are still in the mood for alien, you should also check out our Alien Abduction Lamp to bring a little piece of the galaxy into your bedroom. And if you’re in the mood for more alien encounters in gaming, be sure to check out the other blogs on extraterrestrial encounters – after all, when you can explore galaxies, why stop at one?
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