Sims 4 Alien Abductions: Secrets, Cheats, and Gameplay Features

Sims 4 Alien Abductions: Secrets, Cheats, and Gameplay Features


Think about it: one minute your Sim is simply gazing at the stars, and  the next they are lifted off the ground by a shining UFO beam as if it’s some sort of  space elevator. Alien abductions in The Sims 4 are without a doubt one of the  weirdest and coolest things in the game. For many players, the very idea that their Sims can be  taken away by the unknown alien forces and then brought back with such bizarre changes is a great way to  liven up the otherwise routine existence. Who needs a regular workday when you can come back from  an alien abduction… with green glowing skin and an alien baby?

So, what happens when a Sim  gets zapped up by aliens? How can you make sure your Sim is picked for the  intergalactic ride and, most importantly, how can you make sure your Sim comes back with some new,  out-of-this-world developments? In this guide, we will uncover all the secrets, provide the best  cheats and explain some of the rather unusual gameplay elements that make alien abductions in Sims 4  an experience worth trying. Get ready to launch into the strangest galaxy ever!

 1.  What is Alien Abduction in The Sims 4?  

If you have ever thought, “What  if my Sim got kidnapped by aliens?” – well, The Sims 4 listened to you. Alien  abductions are one of the funniest and most unpredictable elements in the game, and they can  lead to countless peculiar situations. Imagine this: your Sim is going about their everyday activities, perhaps playing  chess or having a quarrel with some random character, and – bang! A UFO appears and lifts  your Sim off the ground and into the air. You blink, and your Sim is gone.   A few hours later, they return – sometimes with a glow, sometimes with a baby, sometimes with  some alien powers. Because who doesn’t want an alien baby? 🤷‍♂️  The best part? You never know what is going to happen next after an abduction. Maybe they come  back with an alien trait, for instance, to glow (cool, huh?), or to turn invisible  (great for some funny pranks!). Or maybe they come back with a pregnancy – and let’s  be honest, that is a cliff hanger worth waiting for!  

What Happens During an  Abduction?  

Okay, let’s paint a picture of what happens. One minute you are sitting with  your Sim looking at the stars in the sky, and the next thing you know, BAM! A  UFO comes flying in as if it is running late for an intergalactic meeting. Your Sim is  lifted up into the night and you can almost hear them shouting in the distance – “I did NOT  sign up for this!”  But do not worry, this is not an alien kidnap situation  (at least, not in a negative way). After a short while, your Sim comes back with some  changes. They may have a halo around them, act mysteriously and have a power to control  others’ minds, or even be… pregnant with an alien child (dramatic music). Is it  just another day in Sims land? No! But that is the beauty of alien abductions;  there is always a shocking surprise that is around the corner. Could you be the lucky Sim who is  selected to have a baby bump? There is only one way to find out!

 2.  How to Induce an Alien Abduction in The Sims 4  

So how do you make sure  your Sim gets chosen for an alien abduction? Well, while it is largely random, there are a  few ways to make sure your Sim gets picked up by those little green men and women.  

 The Sims 4 Guide to Inducing Alien Abduction

What triggers a Sim to become an  alien abduction target? Sims get randomly selected but you can boost their chances through specific actions. Here are  the steps to human-like an alien abduction event in the game.

1. Gazing at the Stars  with a Telescope

Lifting your Sim's telescope to observe the night sky directly causes UFOs to  become more likely to appear. Though using a telescope increases the probability of an abduction occurrence remains unpredictable so  players must remain patient! Midnight marks the usual UFO showtimes so don’t plan on swift alien  action.

 2. Advancing through the Scientist Career Path (Get to Work Expansion Pack Necessary)

The Sims 4: Get to Work players who advance through the Scientist career path can obtain alien attraction  devices:
The Satellite Dish becomes available at Scientist Level 4 through the Invention Constructor's  building process.
The Out of This World Desktop becomes available through purchase for 15,150  Simoleons once you reach Scientist Level 10.  After obtaining one of these devices follow these  directions:
1. Place the object inside your Sim’s owned land.
2. From the  interaction menu select “Contact Aliens” after opening it up.

Using this method greatly increases your  Sim’s chance of an abduction from 10 PM until 4 AM but it does not happen immediately.  The extraterrestrial visitation requires multiple uses of "Contact Aliens" throughout the day since  there's a 24-hour restriction on utilizing this option.  At this point your Sim will receive the  "Investigate Weird Light" interaction as the abduction sequence begins.

3. Alien Traits and Abilities  

When your Sim gets back from the abduction, you may notice some  changes in your Sim. They may come back with alien traits such as glowing skin or even alien powers  that will make them unique.  Some Sims might come back with the glowing trait and look like they  have walked straight out of a science fiction film. Other Sims may be invisible for a short time  (perfect for playing jokes!), or they could have a power to control others.  The alien pregnancy is  another fun twist. A Sim who is captured by aliens may come back pregnant, but the baby will  not be a regular Sim! The child may have alien features such as glowing skin or the capacity to  float objects.  

4. Cheats to Enhance Alien Abductions  

If you are  not in the mood for it and want some help from the other side of the universe, do not  worry. There are cheats that can make alien abductions occur at the press of a button.  Use these cheats to make your Sims’ UFO dreams come true:

 •  Forcing an  abduction: You can cause an abduction by using the Testing cheats enabled cheat in the cheat console. Once  the cheats are enabled, you can try to cause an abduction by typing  sims.add_buff AlienAbduction.

  •  Alien pregnancy cheat: If you wish to eliminate the waiting time and give your Sim a  pregnancy after an abduction, you can try to use pregnancy.start_pregnancy in the cheat console. This means that your  Sim will come back with an alien baby.  

5. The Fun of Alien Babies  

Alien  babies are some of the funkiest and cutest elements of the alien abduction story and they are  just amazing. They come with all sorts of fun quirks, such as the power to glow and  have different skin colors and looks. These babies are bound to be special and you will be amazed at  the kind of bizarre powers they can have as they grow up.  

6. Conclusion  

Alien  abductions in The Sims 4 are a great way to liven up your gameplay and give  your Sim a life full of surprises.

And if you’re looking to bring the abduction scene into your game room check out  The Original Alien Abduction Lamp .

So keep an eye on those  telescopes and you never know, maybe your Sim’s next adventure is just a UFO beam away.

From the thrill of a surprise abduction, the enigma of  alien pregnancy, or the enjoyment of using alien powers, there is never a dull moment when aliens are  involved.  Ready to enter the world of intergalactic encounters? 

If you’re curious about other alien adventures in games, here is blog which covers alien encounters in the world of gaming: Out of This World: Alien Abductions in Gaming


 Please be aware that The Sims 4 is regularly receiving new content and updates,  which may affect certain gameplay elements, cheats and mod compatibility over time. It is always recommended to check  for the latest updates, patch notes and the community forums to make sure the information is still valid.  Have fun simming and may the aliens come to you soon!

And if you’re looking to add intergalactic vibes to your room and decor, check out some of our other blogs: 

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