How to Get a UFO in Ability Wars (and Take Over the Skies!)

How to Get a UFO in Ability Wars (and Take Over the Skies!)

 So, you  wish to beam up your enemies, and show them who is the boss from the sky? Well,  hey there, Earthling, get ready to become the biggest cosmic prankster in the book! This guide will show you how to get that legendary UFO in Ability Wars, so  you can kidnap your friends, through a screen, and send them flying off the map?       

What is UFO Ability? 

It is exactly what it sounds like: you order a  UFO, float around during the conflict and pick up other players as if you are an extraterrestrial  emperor/empress. Just imagine it, you are floating around in the sky and the little Earthlings  are running around in panic trying to escape your tractor beam. It’s trolling at its finest, and  quite frankly, this is the nearest you are going to get to re-enacting a real alien abduction  (unless you own one of those certain UFO lamps, winky wink).       

How  to Unlock UFO Ability

This isn’t just a “click and claim” situation—a UFO can  only be obtained by putting in the work, strategy, and possibly a little bit of ruthless determination.

 Here’s the breakdown:   

Step 1: Get 3,500 Punches

That’s right. 3,500 punches. It’s about time to put in the work.  Fight, dive into every battle and do not surrender. If you find an AFK player, then lets just say certain mysterious forces would insist that make the most of that situation.

Step  2: Find the Alien Orb

Once you’ve got your punches, you need to find a glowing  alien orb that appears at random on the map. This is your ticket to UFO excellence! But be  warned: Other players will definitely try to steal it, so move faster than a spaceship in  hyperdrive.

Step 3: Survive the Abduction

Have you touched the orb?  Congratulations! But now, you are going to get yoinked into a UFO. Just sit  back and enjoy the ride and don’t worry about them doing any experiments on you.  If all goes well, you’ll be brought back to the battlefield with the awesome UFO ability in  your possession.

Step 4: Embrace Your Inner Alien

Now it’s time for  liftoff! Use the UFO, summon your flying saucer and start capturing players as if  it’s your job. Just don’t let the power go to your head (or do…it’s  fun). 

Pro Tips for Unlocking UFO Ability Faster Because let’s be  real—3,500 punches is a lot.

Here’s how to speed things up: 

Team  Up – Try to make a friend to “train” with you (i.e. let you punch  them over and over again). It’s not cheating, it’s cooperative abducting. 

Use Speed Abilities – When competing for the alien orb, some speed-based abilities could help  you beat your competitors.

Play at Off-Peak Hours – Less players = less  chaos = better chance of getting the orb before anyone else does.           

What Can  UFO Ability Do?

Now for the fun part. When you activate the UFO ability, you get: 

A real flying saucer– Hover over the battlefield and act like the cosmic king/queen you  are.

The ability to kidnap – Come in, grab your enemies, and throw  them away.

Immunity – Most players will not be able to touch you while you  are hovering around like an intergalactic threat. In other words, you become that player, the  one that everyone is afraid of, but also wants to be.  

Speaking of  UFOs…

Since we are in the midst of discussing alien abductions, we ought to talk about  the greatest abduction device: The Original Alien Abduction Lamp.

You won’t have  to get 3,500 punches to grab this piece of beauty. With just one click —  *bam*— you’ve got a hovering UFO taking away a innocent cow in real life. With its  glowing beam and otherworldly charm, it’s the perfect addition to any gaming setup.

Need mood  lighting for those late-night Ability Wars marathons? Done. Want to show your real affiliation to the extraterrestrial cause? Even better. So while you are out there  terrorizing players with your UFO in ability wars, why not bring some abduction magic into real life? Check out the  Original Alien Abduction Lamp and let the invasion begin!         

Final Thoughts 

It takes a while to get a UFO in Ability Wars , but once you do, you’ll  never look at Ability Wars the same way again. You’ll be the master of the  skies, and you’ll be kidnapping your enemies and making them quit in anger within no time at all.  And if you want to keep that UFO aesthetic going IRL, you know where to find the  best alien-approved lighting.         

Now go out there, Earthling, and  start punching, find that orb and claim your place in the skies!

Explore more tips for aliens, UFO’s and anything extraterrestrial in gaming here:

Out of This World: Alien Abductions in Gaming

Alien Abductions in Mass Effect: How to Get ‘Kidnapped’ (With a Twist)

Sims 4 alien abductions: secrets, cheats, and gameplay features

Glow up for game night: Sci-fi party decorations for your next party

10 Unique Lamps to transform your bedroom into a sci-fi haven


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