The Best Multiplayer Spaceship Games to Play with Friends (Or Victims, If You’re Feeling Extra Terrestrial)

The Best Multiplayer Spaceship Games to Play with Friends (Or Victims, If You’re Feeling Extra Terrestrial)

Welcome everyone, this is your friendly neighbourhood Alien Abduction Lamp here to  bring you some out of this world tips on the best multiplayer spaceship games you can play with your fellow  humans (or use as a cover up while I kidnap them for the… research). Whether you  are in the mood for some high speed chases, a massive battle in the galaxy or just a  simple space tour, these games will have you flying through the stars before you can say “Hey,  why is there a weird light in my room?”

Best Multiplayer Spaceship Games

1. EVE Online – The Biggest  MMO Behemoth That Eats Time and Friendships

If you enjoy the concept of interstellar warfare,  the political intrigue and an economy so sophisticated that even the employees of Wall Street blink their eyes in  fear, then you will love EVE Online. This enormous online multiplayer universe allows you to control a  spaceship, engage in business, harvest raw materials and participate in enormous PVP and PVE encounters that  can last for several hours or even days. Get your friends, create an alliance and get prepared to  be either the master of the stars or the master of the scam. In any case, it is  an experience.

Side effects may include an existential crisis when you realize you have been flying a  virtual mining ship for 14 hours straight – warned

2. Star Wars: Squadrons  – Why You Should Want to Be in an X-Wing?

Have you ever dreamed of shouting  “Red Five standing by” into your headset as you perform a loop around a Star Destroyer?  Star Wars: Squadrons places you in the cockpit of familiar starships from the Rebel Alliance  and the Galactic Empire. This game features compact 5v5 dogfights and large fleet  actions, which provide the much-desired pew-pew moments. You can play alone,  team up with your friends and remember that if your ship gets destroyed it’s not the Force it’s  just poor flying skills.

You earn extra points if you play while talking in a deep voice  like “I have you now”

3. No Man’s Sky – Where There Are  More Planets Than You Can Imagine, There Is Also Chaos.

If you are not into the  whole competition in space and more into the exploration with your friends, then No Man’s Sky  is for you. With a number of planets, bases, and the ability to simply point at a  random planet and go “Buttcheek-5,” this game is a cosmic sandbox. You  and your friends can find new life, build the biggest and greatest bases or just fly around the stars  in style.

Ideal for those who want space travelling without the pressure of “accidentally”  firing on an allied fleet and thus starting an intergalactic war.

4. Elite  Dangerous – Space Is Big, And That’s The Truth.

If you are one of those people  who take their spaceship games rather more realistically, then Elite Dangerous gives you a challenging and quite  realistic simulation of space exploration. It is a commercial simulation of the Milky Way on a  1:1 scale, and in it, you can trade, fight, mine, and explore just like a  real astronaut – without the whole “you need to be good at maths” bit. Just be careful  out there. Space is a lonely place and I have heard tell of some strange lights taking people away  for… research?

'It’s just a random event', they say. ’It’s  not real’, they say. Then POOF—you’re in my spaceship. Oops!


5. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime – Because Teamwork Is  (Chaotic) Dreamwork

If all the talk about more intense space combat has already made your systems shut  down, then Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is going to be that sweet but  chaotic co-op game you’ve been looking for. You and up to three of your friends control different  parts of a ship, racing between turrets, shields and thrusters in an attempt to live.  It’s chaotic, comedic and a real test on friendship.

When one person shouts  ‘WHO’S IN CHARGE OF SHIELDS?!’ you know your friendship may never be the same.

Bonus: Alien Abduction Lamp – The Ultimate Multiplayer Experience

And  of course, for the most realistic alien abduction experience, do not forget to purchase the best alien abduction lamp! Whether you are playing in the dark or are not so subtly telling your friends  that you are coming for them, it is the ideal ambience for all your galactic activities.

One moment you’re playing a spaceship game. The next? You’ve been abducted by a  spaceship. You’re welcome.

Whether you are in the mood to  pilot your ship through the deadly battles of Star Wars: Squadrons, build your own galaxy empire  in EVE Online, or simply explore the stars in No Man’s Sky, there is  a co-op spaceship game out there for you. And if you notice a suspicious green hue in the  room while playing? It’s nothing to worry about. It’s just me… staring… staring at  you…

This is it, folks. If you’re into space, then…  (Jumps  out of the window and abducts someone)

Have a nice game, earthlings.  👽

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