The Connection Between UAPs and the Paranormal: Is There More to It Than Just Aliens?

The Connection Between UAPs and the Paranormal: Is There More to It Than Just Aliens?


UFOs that are now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena  (UAPs) because, it seems, Earthlings just thought it sounded better, have been denoted as being alien joyrides or secret military vehicles for decades. But what if these mysterious sky-high  spectacles are just the tip of the paranormal iceberg? Now, get your swimming trunks on, because  we’re going to go way deeper into the weirdness, looking at whether there’s  a connection between UAPs and other unexplained events. And, perhaps, this journey will have  you reaching for your Original Alien Abduction Lamp now more than ever.

UAPs and the Paranormal 

USOs: The UFOs  That Stay in the Waters Instead of the Skies

While UAPs are still grabbing the attention  of people, their counterparts—Unidentified Submersible Objects or USOs—are creating waves in the  oceans and lakes. These objects have been reported to move at speeds that are beyond anything our best submarines  can manage.

The Zanfretta UFO Incident of 1978 is also worthy of  consideration. A night watchman by the name of Pier Fortunato Zanfretta in Italy  reported huge, mucus covered creatures while near a UFO. Although the events did not take place in  water, the ongoing reports of abduction are rather intriguing when it comes to the USO story.  Theories about USOs include that they are secret alien bases located in the ocean (everybody wants to  have a sea view), or that they are interdimensional gates located in the depths of the ocean.

 There is one rather intriguing idea: UAPs and USOs are the same – vehicles that can float on water as easily as they do on  air, making our forms of transportation look so primitive.

Alien Abduction: Are UAPs  Just Stopping to Pick Up Hitchhikers?

We’ve all heard the stories: You see  a light, you black out, and you wake up with streaks and the fear of jokes about  probing. But is there a direct link between UAPs and these abduction stories?

Consider the Betty  and Barney Hill incident of 1961. This American couple claimed to have been taken aboard a spacecraft  and examined, making them one of the first UFO abduction reports to capture the public’s attention. His  and her descriptions of the events, under hypnosis, have since become a part of UFO mythology.

 Jump ahead to 1989 and there’s the Manhattan Alien Abduction of Linda  Napolitano. She claimed to have been taken from her New York apartment by alien entities, a story that was  reported and discussed extensively and which also stirred up a good deal of skepticism and controversy.    ​

Could  UAPs be vehicles that are taking us for rides to other worlds? If so,  their customer relations are quite poor. On the other hand, some researchers have put forward the idea that  these experiences are psychological events: sleep paralysis, dreams, or the brain’s way of trying to explain  that which it cannot comprehend. In either case, there is a distinct relationship between UAP reports and  abduction experiences that cannot be ignored.

Ancient Sightings: Have UAPs Been Around for Thousands  of Years?

The UAPs are a modern phenomenon? False. Man has been documenting  strange aerial occurrences for generations, before there was even a cover up excuse like ‘weather balloon’.

The 1561 Nuremberg Celestial Event

Inhabitants observed geometrical figures of  cylinders and spheres that appeared to engage in a combat simulator event, followed by a large black triangular object  and a crash outside the city. Some regard this historical sighting as an inauguration of mass UAP sightings. 


(A news notice depicting the event) 


Medieval Art with UFOs?

Some of the paintings made in the medieval period also depict some disc  like object in the sky and this has made some people believe that the painters were actually painting real life  events that occurred and had noticed unidentifiable objects in the sky.

( Picture of Stockholm 1535, Stockholm National Museum )

The 1897 Mystery  Airship Wave:
Reports of a cigar-shaped craft swept across the United States before the Wright brothers even achieved  the first flight. However, some of the reports were exposed as hoaxes while others were left  unexplained.

Could these historical accounts indicate that UAPs have been a part of human history for hundreds  of years, just interpreted differently by different cultures and generations? Or are we simply trying to make modern  concepts fit ancient events. Either way though, it helps to build up the story of the  UAPs.

So… Are UAPs More Than Just Alien Joyrides?

The more we try to  find out the more we are in the dark. Are UAPs connected with USOs,  abductions and ancient sightings? If so, what does that mean?

One theory is that  UAPs are not just extraterrestrial visitors but could be interdimensional craft, time machines or even  manifestations of the human mind’s attempt to understand the void.

Another explanation holds that these phenomena are the  cultural and technological reflections of our growing understanding of the world.

No matter what the explanation is, one  thing is for sure: The UAP phenomena is closely tied with other paranormal activities. As we keep  on trying to find out the answers to these questions, it may be time to have an open  mind—and maybe an Alien Abduction Lamp —turning the darkness into light as we try to make  sense of the unknown.

What Do You Think?

Are UAPs a part of a bigger paranormal  plot or are we connecting dots that are not even related? Please share your theory or experience in the  comment below, and we guarantee not to take your ideas away.    ​

If you are in the  mood to set the right atmosphere for your next exploration of the unknown, then you know which lamp to  turn on.

Explore our related blogs here: 

UFOs in Art: When Aliens Crashed the Canvas

UAP vs. UFO: What is the difference between them and why do we need to know it?

The Most Bizarre UAP Sightings So Far

Theories on the Origin of UAPs: Alien or Man Made

Declassified UAP Documents: What’s Hiding in Plain Sight?

UAPs, Science, and the Undeniable Truth: Aliens Totally Want Our Lamps

What’s Next? The Future of UAP Research

The A to Z of UAP: A Definitive Guide

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