Ever since the beginning of time, man has turned his eyes towards the sky and has asked himself the question: Are we alone? Or are there little green men, tentacled monsters, or very intelligent beings who are amused by our inability to crack Wi-Fi security? From scientific theories to ancient alien conspiracies, in this article, we are going to look at the big question: Are aliens actually possible?
Can aliens Exist? The Science Says… Probably?
First, let’s look at the numbers. The Milky Way has 100-400 billion stars in our galaxy. Now, if a small portion of those planets are in the ‘habitable zone,’ meaning the zone in which conditions are most favorable for the origin and evolution of life, then there could be millions of potential alien homes. And that is just one galaxy. The observable universe has trillions of them.

( The Milky Way )

To calculate the number of intelligent civilizations in our galaxy, astronomers use something referred to as the Drake Equation. This includes factors such as the rate of star formation, planetary motions and the likelihood of life’s appearance. The answer? Zero to millions. Pretty unhelpful, huh?
👉 Check out an online calculator of the Drake Equation here.
So, Where Are All the Aliens? (Also Known as the Fermi Paradox)
If life is so probable then, why have we not yet had a Zoom conference with extraterrestrials? This is the Fermi Paradox, which is a rather bleak question: If the universe is full of aliens, where is the noise?
Some of the possible explanations are:
👽 We’re the first – It is possible that life is just beginning in the universe, and we are the cosmic pioneers.
🛸 They’re avoiding us – We may be that annoying neighbour that nobody wants to talk to.
🌎 Earth is in a quarantine zone – They might be watching us as if we are a reality TV show called Primitive Planet: Season 4.5 Billion.
🔍 We’re looking in the wrong places – They might be communicating in a way that we have not yet detected.
💥 Aliens keep wiping themselves out – It is possible that advanced civilizations are destined to destroy themselves before they even get a chance to turn their attention to the cosmos.
📺 Want to know more? Watch this video by Kurzgesagt about the Fermi Paradox.
Have Aliens Already Visited Us?
UFO sightings, the ancient astronaut theory, and the strange signals from space – can they be the proof that extraterrestrials have paid us a visit? There are those who assert that alien beings have visited the ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and the Mayans. Some people highlight UFO events like the Roswell incident in 1947 or the Wow! Signal detected in 1977 as possible evidence of life outside the Earth.
Roswell Incident of 1947: A reported crash of an unidentified object in New Mexico created a UFO conspiracy theory that is still alive and kicking even today. 👉 More about it from History.com.
The Wow! Signal of 1977: A radio signal from space that was 72 seconds long and has not been explained since. 👉 Get the information about it from NASA.

(A scan of the colour copy of the original computer printout)
Naturally, doubters would argue that most of the Unidentified Flying Objects are explainable as weather balloons, military aircraft, or some very determined birds. But we aren’t ruling anything out.
Books, Documentaries & Films on the Topic of the Alien Issue
This question has intrigued scientists, writers, and filmmakers over the years. If you want to know more about this topic, read the following recommendations:

📚 Books:
The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin: A mind-bending sci-fi novel that looks at first contact. Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth by Avi Loeb: A theory by a Harvard scientist about the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua as an alien device.
Are We Alone? by Paul Davies: A scientific exposition on the hunt for extraterrestrial life.
Are We Alone? by Paul Davies: A scientific exposition on the hunt for extraterrestrial life.
📺 Documentaries & Shows:
Ancient Aliens on History Channel: A ridiculous, but quite entertaining examination of the theories involving aliens.
The Phenomenon (2020): A documentary that focuses on the UFO sightings and the government cover-up.
The Phenomenon (2020): A documentary that focuses on the UFO sightings and the government cover-up.
Unacknowledged (2017): Explores possible secret government knowledge of alien encounters.
🎬 Movies (If You Just Want a Good Sci-Fi Fix):
Arrival (2016): A more authentic portrayal of an encounter with an extraterrestrial race. Contact (1997): Adapted from Carl Sagan’s novel, the film addresses the quest for intelligence.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977): A great UFO movie that does not feel old.
What’s Next? The Search Continues
Science continues to search for life beyond Earth. Here’s how:
🔭 The James Webb Space Telescope has begun to search for exoplanets that have atmospheres that could be conducive to life. 👉 Find out what it is discovering now.
📡 SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is passive radical listening for alien radio signals. 👉 Look into SETI’s investigations.
🚀 NASA and SpaceX are looking towards Mars, Europa, and Enceladus – moons that could have life if it is hidden under ice.
Thus, we may find out the answer in our lifetime. But then? We had better hope that the aliens are friendly (and not carrying an intergalactic eviction notice) with them.
Last Words: Are We Alone?
The fact is that no one has a slightest idea of whether or not there are aliens but science tells us that there are probably some. We may never get the proof we need for the rest of our lives. So, we will keep on watching the sky and speculating.
In the meantime, if you are looking for some alien presence in your life, then why not grab one for yourself? No, not the real one–just the original Alien Abduction Lamp. It’s the only UFO you can catch without the interference of the government.

Stay weird, Earthlings. 👽🚀
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